5 to Try: A Range Of Rieslings

[Drumroll and trumpets blowing] Announcing our new monthly German wine recommendation series: 5 to Try!

Every month, we’ll showcase five examples of stellar wines across styles, varietals, and Germany’s 13 winegrowing regions. With the impressive variety of Germany’s grapes and unique terroir, there’s always more to explore. We encourage you to expand your horizons and entice your palate!

Our first selections focus on German Riesling in honor of Riesling Birthday, celebrated worldwide every year on March 13th. With over 23,000 hectares, Germany has the largest vineyard area dedicated to Riesling in the world. This means there is Riesling aplenty to enjoy – from all 13 winegrowing regions and in a wide range of styles, to delight every wine lover!

The bottles below promise to provide you with a well-rounded representation of Riesling’s many styles. Vinified bone dry (Trocken), refreshingly off-dry (Kabinett or Feinherb), sweet but balanced (Spätlese or Auslese), or decadently dessert-worthy (Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese, or Eiswein), German Riesling offers endless flavors to savor. Further, as a grape known for expressing the soil and microclimate where it’s grown, Rieslings from different regions or even neighboring vineyards can taste decidedly different.

Give the following 5 bottles a try, and take a look at Wine.com‘s German Riesling selections in your state.


1. Louis Guntrum Niersteiner Riesling Trocken, Rheinhessen

Find near you: Wine-Searcher.com

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2. Bex Riesling, Nahe

Find near you: Wine-Searcher.com

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3. Blue Fish Riesling, Pfalz

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4. Maximin Grünhaus Herrenberg Riesling Kabinett, Mosel

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5. Robert Weil Kiedrich Gräfenberg Riesling Spätlese, Rheingau

Find near you: Wine-Searcher.com

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