After last year´s below-average crops and depleted cellar stocks, latest estimates predict that this year’s wine harvest will reach approximately 10.7 million hectoliters in volume nationwide.
According to the German Wine Institute (DWI), this will correspond to a 23% rise above the 10-year average of 8.8 million hectoliters, resulting in the largest harvest since 1999.
The 2018 harvest set to produce a truly outstanding vintage
Despite extreme water shortages, this year´s yields have turned out unexpectedly high, experts have said.
However, the estimated increases in volume vary widely between the regions, ranging from a 5% increase in Saale-Unstrut, to a 36% increase in the Mosel, and up to a 64% increase in the Mittelrhein.
Following one of the warmest summers and earliest harvest start-dates on record, German winegrowers across the country have brought in crops of exceptional quality. In hindsight, it appears that this summer´s drought has been more beneficial than harmful for vine development and grape ripening.
Grapes display excellent health and rich aromas
Thanks to the hot, dry conditions, the grapes appear to be in excellent health and are exhibiting rich aromas and high ripeness levels as October begins. The red wine varieties in particular have benefitted from the sunny weather.
Picking times have been monitored carefully to ensure that the grapes do not come into the cellar with markedly high must weights, which could cause the wines to become excessively powerful.
Harvest 2018 to deliver high quantities of high-quality wines
Wine lovers can look forward to a 2018 vintage of exceptionally fruity white wines and deeply-colored, full-bodied reds, which will offer enjoyment and excellent value at every price point.