Read right from the pros why German wine is all the rage. Scroll through recent press coverage across national, lifestyle, travel, and epicurean media.
Wines to Remember in a Year to Forget
Travel, restaurants and vineyards were all virtually off limits. But a lot of bottles were opened at home, creating a different sort of history.
Top 100 Wines of Germany 2020
Germany’s scintillating 2019 vintage (maybe its best ever) produced numerous perfect and unique wines – here are the best we tasted over the past 12 months.
2019 – Germany’s Breakthrough Vintage?
Will 2019 be the breakthrough vintage for German wine? Could it persuade Riesling-phobes to abandon their prejudices?
The Six Regions Bringing Out the Best In German Wine
In Germany, where wine preferences have long been swinging dry and drier still, the market is dominated by trocken, or dry wines made from Riesling, Pinot Noir (known as Spätburgunder), Pinot Gris (or Grauburgunder) and more.
Is 2019 Germany’s 100-Point Vintage?
The 2019 vintage is the best vintage I have ever tasted for German riesling in my four-decade career.
There’s More to German Wine Than Riesling
Germany produces a host of great wines, made from grapes both famous and little known. Often, they are produced in small lots and are great values.
Power & Poise
The 2018 vintage marks a great year for Germany’s dry whites. The 2018s, now on the market, represent the latest in a string of outstanding harvests uninterrupted since 2014.
Rosé All Day: Around The World With Everyone’s Favorite Summer Wine
While rosé is a wine associated with the South of France, countries of all over the world produce equally fantastic varieties that are worth discovering and more importantly, drinking.