Read right from the pros why German wine is all the rage. Scroll through recent press coverage across national, lifestyle, travel, and epicurean media.
A Quick Guide to German Riesling
Riesling flourishes worldwide, but nowhere does it inspire as fervent focus as in Germany, its birthplace. Cultivated throughout the country’s 13 wine regions, it mirrors the fascinating diversity of local terroir.
10 Reasons You Should Give Riesling Another Look
Critics love it, consumers not so much. But the beauty of these wines requires stubborn advocacy because they are that good. Really.
Spätburgunder: Germany’s Answer to Burgundy
A treasure trove of Pinot Noirs lies in store for wine lovers willing to hunt down these German gems.
Wine Star: Nik Weis
The third-generation German winemaker shares an entire crop of rare St.-Urbans-Hof dessert Riesling.
What To Drink Now: German Wines from Pfalz
The region delivers exceptional wines.
Pinot Noir’s Sleeping Giant
Just Behind The U.S. And France, Germany Lurks With Quality Juice.
Oktoberfest Means Wine In Franconia
The Enchanting German Region You Don’t Know Yet.
The Must-Visit Wine Region Full of Surprises
Embracing the Juxtaposition of Modernity and Tradition in Pfalz.